Monday, September 28, 2009

Here is Another website That is against Mike Overcast

Just got word of another website that is against Mike Overcast and his CONS and here is the link..... We need to make a list of all sites Mikes uses and a list of all Sites that are against him and have actual proof of the things he does!! Lets Ban together people and make him go away.

BTW I am willing to bet the Mr. overcast will be at the Offroad Expo in Pomona coming up, if you see him make people aware that he is there by yelling his name while pointing at him or keep following him and let people know!!! He is not welcome there and we want him out!!! So don't bother showing up Mike!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sorry For not updating like I should!!!

I know I have posted on here for awhile but Mike was acting somewhat decent for alittle while with little made up stories plus after my trip to Hungary about 2 months ago I have gotten alittle lazy. I am currently getting in contact with a person Mike did a story about and hopefully will get a comment from them back soon. So once again sorry for not updating like I should and hopefully a story will come soon!!