Monday, September 28, 2009
Here is Another website That is against Mike Overcast
BTW I am willing to bet the Mr. overcast will be at the Offroad Expo in Pomona coming up, if you see him make people aware that he is there by yelling his name while pointing at him or keep following him and let people know!!! He is not welcome there and we want him out!!! So don't bother showing up Mike!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sorry For not updating like I should!!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Heres a update about a story Mike posted last year!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
CABO 500 Sponsors ATRacing for 2008
CABO 500 Sponsors Andrea Tomba and ATRacing
The CABO 500 is sponsoring Andrea Tomba and ATRacing for the 2008 race season. Andrea ran into hard times recently, when the State Baja Sur taxes he was paying became so great, he no longer could keep his family small business going. Andreas ATRacing cant express their gratitude enough to the CABO 500 sponsor supporting us in 2008.
Andrea Tomba said, "The Governor of Baja Sur is corrupt and the rest of La Paz cannot be trusted". Thanks CABO 500 for bailing us out!
ATRacing would also like to welcome some new sponsors whom have joined us for this season: Laboratorios Armstrong took the step to run the first Super Motor Sports sponsorship Program this year through CABO 500. Also helping are SPARCO Race wear this year, as style and comfort go hand in hand in their products. OGIO Racing is also participating in this years race program, and we are happy to have their support this season.
The whole team currently has their hands full with getting ready for the Baja racing season. Everybody at Banda Race Fabrication are busy making some changes to the new addition to the ATR fleet, the ex-champion Class 6 FORD Bronco, previously raced by our friend Filli Diaz from Loreto. The truck is being fine tuned, and having some suspension changes, so that it will be ready to give our new driver Bert Tjeenk a chance to clench the victory in Class 6. Class 6 will be the team's main goal this season, with Andrea & Bert signing up as joint drivers in the Bronco, and Andrea will most probably pilot the truck in Short Course races whilst Bert will tame it in the Desert races.
The FORD Explorer known as "La Iguana" will be competing in Class 8 in most of the Championship races, so we will see two trucks sporting the ATR and its sponsor's colors this season. Russ, our ProBaja President, has also been working overtime, rebuilding a whole new website to make it more user friendly, and more attractive. It will be ready in a few months. We will be participating in the ProBaja Southern Baja Off Road Championship and State Association again this year.
There are two of the races that will be shared between both State Association and ProBaja, the 2008 Dos Mares CABO 500 and the CABO 500 in the Fall, so the turn out on these races is bound to be huge, so book your stay early!
We have also invested in a FORD Ranger CLASS 7 truck, which will be used for pre-running, but may also compete in some of the National Mexican races depending on their schedule. Our super nice wide open Offroad Cabo $100,000 race buggies are ready for you! Call us to book your tours at 619-251-9486 or eMail
Baja Sur Blows Chunks with five destroyed race trucks at race
At the recent race in Baja South, Andrea Tomba blew his season by reportedly turning over his Explorer, when he totalled his trashed Explorer. Two more former American race trucks, destroyed in Mexico, by Pacenos.
Atr racing crash story
The report from the team: "Andrea was driving down a narrow straight away at around 85MPH, when it seems that the steering reducer broke, and they lost the control of the vehicle, flipping very hard and several times into the banks, first sideways before gathering inertia to continue end over end. As proof of the great fabrication of Banda Jr. Race Shop the cage remained intact and driver and co-driver were intact, however the truck suffered unrepairable damage. The chassis broke front and rear, broke the transmission, pushed engine into the cab, broke the front coilovers, both fuel intakes were ripped off, and a LOT of bent tubing."
Another report: "Just outside El Rufugio, there was head problems with the Ford race motor, the Class 8 Explorer slowed to a crawl and Tomba started partying with the locals watching the race, thinking he was out. The problem was fixed after x beers and on a straight section at great speed, Tomba at 80 miles an hour, turned upside down, a very bad wreck, the truck wasted. Tomba and his co-driver, not hurt. But, it was obvious after the motor problems, Andrea was drunk when the crash hit him."
The former Class 1 Steve Barry rig was also destroyed, the frame bent to hell and totaled motor and tranny. These were two notable destructions out of five reported bad crashes. With Tom Bradley out of the race season, the race teams in southern Baja are running out.
From La Paz:
Pepe Lopez
FYI... their were Pictures attached to this story to show the damage to the truck but I could not attach them (damn 2002 computer) but you can probably check them out on Mike's site.
Here is Andrea's side of the story about this!!!!!
It is sad that anyone can feel the need to lie and distort posted newsletters, especially when these lies are really detrimental to a race team’s efforts, and even worse when these can damage a person’s image in ones local community. I have been living in Southern Baja for over 15 years, and am very grateful to the local community to have welcomed me with open arms, making me one of their own, as well as various government bodies, whom not only I work with on an almost daily basis on a professional basis, but whom also do an enormous effort to support the local off road activity. Lies such as those posted in these articles do nothing but harm people involved, however fortunately the source has become so know globally that there really isn’t a need for a explanation.
And if Cabo 500 sponsored ATRacing, where is the Cabo 500 presence on our vehicles? Or even better, where is our check??
I don’t think that there is anything wrong with people having disillusional dreams of greatness, however please do not have them on other people’s expense.
So a few truths:
ATRacing is not sponsored or has any affiliation to CABO 500
Andrea Tomba has never expressed anything negative about local government.
In the race where Andrea suffered the crash, the Class 8 never broke down prior to the crash ( although the Class 6 truck and never continued), and at no moment did Andrea stop, or drink before crashing. Again, I really can’t understand why anyone would want to say something so low, when loosing a race vehicle is an expensive and tough reality for a race team, especially when you have a co-driver who also has to suffer an accident, why dream up something about drinking and driving?
I understand that some people feel that lies and embezzlement is part of their daily business, and I guess that is a choice that each person makes, however if this is your M.O. ( in this case modus operatis) why would you want to do so at the cost of other people’s hard work or effort?
Enough is Enough mike!!!
Mike, A race team can't be held liable for killing a spectator during a race when the person crosses the race course during a race (especially at Zoo Road) when pretty much most of the time they are drunk and can't stand up straight. Another thing about Bob's avatar is he had the bloody knuckles before that post was ever made and was not trying to make a comment with the picture.
From Eyewitness: "I was just a few meters. may be 40 mtrs. From the accident at Race Mile 55 aprox. I saw this guy trying to cross the road and he was hit, it for the 1rst class 1 #109, may be the car did not saw this guy, definitely was not the racer car's fault, but I was an eye witness."
Then you have another quote just below that with this statement.....
No denial from anyone has been received as of today, Saturday, June 27, 2009 Since March 17, 2009 no denials. In one interview with a seasoned American desert off-road guy, he said the victim "deserved it".
NO ONE DESERVES TO DIE MIKE, NO ONE!!!!If your gonna quote someone Mike put who said it or else it is a completely false or made up quote!!! I know you want to make race teams that don't like you or have made comments about look bad but that means your gonna have to write a story about everyteam out there. No one likes you mike Except maybe your son!!!
We all wish you would catch swine flu and never be seen or heard from again. You are not wanted in our sport. You bring our sport a bad name and you have taken money from people for all the wrong reasons and not what you said it was for. You have taken money from companies and racers without anything in return and everything you have done online has been linked and kept track of on this site!
I have gotten in contact with everyone you have quoted and posted about in your stories for the past couple of months and have gotten some great emails back but some people don't want to give you the attention and have asked for me to not quote them and I now know you have another alias as Joe Martinez from what I have been told in a email I got back!!! So Mike you might want to start making sure the stories you are posting are backed up by actual quotes cause i will check them!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Once again Mr. Overcast has nothing better to do but keep updating untrue stories!!!!!
Bryant Layton Caught In Non-Profit Solicitation Falsehoods, Ripping off Cystic Fibrosis
UPDATED 6-17-09NOW! Currie Enterprises couldn't care less if Bryant Layton rips off the CF charity. From an email from the company, they know the charges and dont Give A Squat.
"No comment", is all 'Lucky' from 'Scam Scene' can muster, with the established facts that Bryant Layton has not denied, he attempted to use non-profit solicitations to fund his motorsports fun on a major radio broadcast, last week in San Diego. And his Baja 1000 in 2006 is also suspect.
Lucky and Currie Enterprises may not care about the false solicitations. Hey, its racing! At least these scumbags are consistent. Who cares if they rip-off a not for profit!?
The Currie Enterprises sponsored Lucky media show will showcase Bryant Layton, again. Layton could have produced any evidence of support from the CF people, for his recent void solicitations. He hasn't even answered the charges of fraud.
Confirmed, Currie Enterprises couldn't care less, that the scumbags they are sponsoring, support the fraudulent solicitations of Bryant Layton, their off-road reporter. Laughable. But, common in the off-road industry.
All the while, the Layton Racing solicitations mentioning the'Cystic Fibrosis Foundation' have been found to be unauthorized at best and fraudulent, at worst. All depending on whether Bryant Layton collected any monies from the lies and intended to keep all the monies.
Even Bryant Laytons Baja 1000 2008 Cystic Fibrosis Non-Profit Solicitation and collections of funds at very least was, "Highly Flawed". This conclusion from an experienced racer and committed CF non-profit money fundraiser.
That brings up KCEO in Carlsbad California. The "highly flawed" Bryant Layton CF fundraising that scammed dollars back in 2008, was supported by the FCC license holders. KCEO has a history of allowing scammers on their public airwaves. Hey, just pay 'em and they'll let anyone pimp o'scam! KCEO has a history, check out this scam.
Anyone affiliated with Bryant Layton supports ripping off Cystic Fibrosis and has no regard for not-for-profit efforts.
I have done several rebuttal Stories about this topic and he just can't let it go even though I have contacted people in the story and have their emails still to prove it! What is the reason for all this Mike. ARE YOU BORED??? For once right something positive about our sport instead of once again trying to bash the people that make this sport for what it is!!!
You can check posts below this about Bryant Layton and how he is involved with Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the support he has done for it and also the comment I got from Scott from Speed Scene is also in my last story! I will write Currie tonight ( i should have done that when he updated this bullshit a second time) But I have a real job outside of this so I have limited time to keep up with his bullshit and rebuttal it! I won't let you put people in the wrong light anymore Mike!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Once again Mr. Overcast is quoting people........
I am all over you like a fly on shit Mike!!!! I am actually calling and emailing Currie tomorrow to once again prove that your story is completely false. I think Bryant Layton said it best when i was talking to him saying"Mike's site is like the National Enquirer of off road racing!". I will not stop Mike till you decide to close your sites.
In another note I am getting Emails by other individuals asking to help them with stories that were posted on Overcast's site. So stay tuned as I prove this asshole wrong even more. Also Mike if you want I can forward you the Email from Scott to prove to you he did email me!!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Once again Mr. Overcast is stealing pictures and claiming they are his!!!
If you happen to glance at bajaracing news He has a couple of pictures near the top of his page!
The screen shot on the left is from his page!!!
He took the pictures from this page..
After taking the pictures from Race Dezert he then put his Mark on them which means they are his with out giving credit to the actual person (who did not give him permission)! Mike is using pictures from cancinoj. The pics that cancinoj took are the ones of the Riviera Chase truck with Rob Mac and the one picture with the dead bird in the grill. I am still trying to track down who took the one of the MX guy on the beach. PLEASE PEOPLE WATERMARK YOUR PICTURES SO THIS GUY CAN NOT CLAIM THEM AS HIS OWN!!!!
I hope Mr. bullshit Overcast is not at a place I am at cause I will point him out and let everyone know who he is!
If you happen to know who took the pic of the MX rider you can contact me on RDC under the name Cadwell.
Sunday, June 7, 2009

More Bullshit being spewed Over on Baja Racing news!!!!
After Checking what is happening on Baja racing news I saw a article about Bryant Layton and this is what it was about......
Fraud Alert posted for Bryant Layton over non-profit solicitations
Bryant Layton needs to cough up some answers to a national non-profit, over accusations of Bryant Layton scamming off-road business for his own racing ventures. Layton, who claims to be an "off-road racer" and "media person", has never won a race or even gotten close. But, he is using other peoples money for his fun.
Possibly by a fraudulent non-profit solicitation.
A San Diego radio station may have perpetrated the fraudulent non-profit solicitation. The national non-profit is now on the alert for the operation. The FCC has stringent guidelines on such solicitations. The station is owned by Salem Communications, Scott Hunter at 4880 Santa Rosa Road in Camarillo, California. Calls to the station office went unanswered.
The radio station staff and Layton refused to provide any contact information for the non-profit solicitation for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation had no contributions from a "Bryant Layton" and the foundation said, "until Mr. Layton proves his taking monies in the name of the foundation, we prefer he not use our name."
Baja Racing
Here is the article...
Friday, October 24th, 2008.
Issue 43, Volume 8.
Soon after his birth in 1987 Alex Ramirez-Lawritson was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (also known as mucoviscidosis, or CF for short).
A hereditary disease that affects mainly the lungs and digestive system, CF causes progressive disability, thick mucus production and a less competent immune system, resulting in frequent infections.
He lost his battle of a lifetime on Dec. 8, 2007, four days before his 20th birthday.
“Alex was our diehard, all-American, flag-bearing family pit-crew member,” said Bryant Layton, owner/driver of Layton Race Team of Wildomar. “He left our team in a very short period of time – snap, like that. We didn’t know what to do. It was so quick.”
“We really didn’t know anything about cystic fibrosis; all we knew was that Alex had health issues,” Layton added. “We later found out that a cure for CF could have been possible within his lifetime. Alex and 30,000 others diagnosed with CF, along with their families, shouldn’t have to suffer in pain.”
“The Alex Project is all about Alex and how we plan to never let him be forgotten. We want him remembered forever,” Layton firmly stated. “I keep reminding people that it’s not about me.
“Alex’s goal in life and ultimate dream was to race the Baja 1000 and finish in a limited class Jeep Speed vehicle. That’s all Alex talked about.
“So, out of our love for Alex, we’re going to make his dream come true and take him in spirit on a memorial ride – ashes, American flag graphics and all.
“We usually race this race in a class 1 car with all the comforts of advanced suspension [and a] powerful motor to plane on top of the terrain. It’s a cushy ride. We’re leaving the class 1 Orange County Pools car at home.”
The fundraiser
“Our team and volunteer sponsors from the racing industry are building the Alex Project Jeep Speed class car from the ground up to debut at the Baja 1000,” said Layton. “Everything from labor, materials, components and team supplies is being donated, with 10 percent of proceeds to go toward the CF Foundation, including cash contributions to the team.”
According to James Goodson, director of special events for the Orange County chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, “This fundraiser is legitimate. We’ve met with the race team and have partnered with them on their mission.”
“The [race] team doesn’t need to bring us lots of money,” Goodson continued. “What the CF Foundation needs is a whole new market for awareness. The motorsports community has been accelerating at this and we’re looking forward to gaining the necessary public awareness with the help of the Alex Project.”
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is the leading organization devoted to curing and controlling cystic fibrosis.
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, the foundation funds CF research, has more than 80 chapters and branch offices throughout the country and supports and accredits a nationwide network of more than 115 care centers, which provide vital treatments and other CF resources to patients and families.
From the fan front
“From phone calls we’ve received from people concerned about CF, it’s amazing how far they call from in the US,” said Layton. “We’ve gotten calls from people in Maine to Honolulu. They deeply regret, ‘I don’t have money to donate, but we’re so appreciative of your efforts and responsiveness for our family’s ongoing mission.’”
More team discussion
“I’m going to have to be really careful how I navigate by really slowing down my customary race pace to get a spec 10 inches of wheel travel to the finish line. [However],” Layton hooted, “this car will make it. We have to – not a doubt.”
“Eight of our team members will be taking turns on the duty of co-driving [in the passenger seat] the 280-horsepower vehicle throughout this year’s 634-mile course, starting and finishing on a loop at San Felipe up each mile marker in this order.”
The team’s already got their driving lineup: Richard Patterson from start to mile marker 40, John Patterson on a very technical section up to mile marker 147, Evan Sterling to mile marker 210, Heather Phan to mile marker 300, Mark Mason through the silt beds to mile marker 400, matriarch Debbie Patterson to mile marker 500, Shaun Oschner on the inland portion of mile marker 565 and patriarch Russ Patterson, per his insistence, the final co-driver.
“I’m the rented mule of the team,” Mark Mason boldly stated. “If this car gets stuck in the silt beds I’ll wrap a rope around me and pull Alex’s memorial car out with my bare hands.”
“Our team consultant and instigator, Cameron Steele, convinced us to let me solo-drive the entire race,” said Layton. “This has never been done in a Jeep Speed class car. I’m so screwed. Even Ivan ‘Ironman’ Stewart thinks we’re nuts to have a driver solo for what could be up to 40 hours in the driver’s seat.”
The national tour
“We’re currently working with Greg Adler at 4 Wheel Parts on a schedule over the next two years for the Alex Project CF awareness vehicle to visit all 62 of their retail locations across the United States,” said Layton.
Current sponsors include 4 Wheel Parts, 4130 Clothing, Alpine Star, Amsoil Lubricants, Bully Dog, Baja Fool, Barnett Racing Products, DanZio Performance, Brian Deegan, Desert Assassins, Gibson Exhaust, HJC Helmets, Jaz Performance Products, Ricky Johnson’s Perris Raceway, Inland West Video, K&N Engineering, Locos Mocos, Metal Mulisha, MME Aluminum, Orange County Pools, PAC West Motorsports, PCI Race Radios, PB Racing, Regan Construction, Rockstar Energy Drink, SignTech, Cameron Steele, T&J Performance, Twisted Stitch Seats, Slime, Smith Designs, Termin-8 Pest Control and Totally Off Road Radio.
To contribute to or learn more about the Alex Project, visit or
For information on Broc Glover’s annual Breathe Easy Ride, a local CF fundraiser, visit
and here is the link to it.... is more proof about Bryant Layton from another website.......
From the website
YouTube - Alex Memorial Jeep Project
Contact: James Goodson, Director of Special Events 714.938.1393;
Baja 1000 Racer Seeks to Raise Money
for Life-threatening Disease
(Ensenada – Baja California) - The team members of Layton Racing are happy to announce their entry in the 2008 SCORE Baja 1000, taking place November 20-23, 2008. This is the largest and most well known off-road race of its kind. Layton racing is also proud to announce that they are racing for a cause: Alex Ramirez-Lawritson and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Alex was a valuable member of the Layton Racing family. Alex was also very sick and lost his battle with cystic fibrosis on December 8, 2008, shortly before his 20th birthday. The members of Layton Racing count Alex as a family member and have all come together to race this Baja 1000 solely for Alex.
Bryant Layton of Layton Racing has taken on the challenge of driving solo in the Jeep Speed class. Bryant will be in the drivers seat for the entire 1000 miles, an extraordinary effort never attempted by any other Jeep Speed driver.
“This may be the most difficult 40 hours of my life, but the memory of Alex and his 20 year fight with cystic fibrosis will keep me going,” said Bryant Layton of Layton Racing.
The members of Layton Racing will switch places in the passenger seat throughout the race, however the team made a unanimous decision that only Alex’s name will be emblazoned on the passenger side of the Jeep Speed.
Layton racing has partnered with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the leading organization in the United States dedicated to cystic fibrosis research and care. Layton Racing has set up a website to encourage visitors to pledge donations to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in memory of Alex and to keep Alex’s fight against cystic fibrosis going.
About the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is the leading organization devoted to curing and controlling cystic fibrosis. Headquartered in Bethesda, MD., the Foundation funds CF research, has more than 80 chapters and branch offices throughout the country, and supports and accredits a nationwide network of more than 115 CF care centers, which provide vital treatments and other CF resources to patients and family
So Mr. Overcast what more are you gonna put up that I can prove you wrong with?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Some news reported on baja racing news website!!
Robbery Reported
Mike Wilson from
Another Report: "I parked in front of that same hotel and had a spare c-6 transmission stole out of the pickup in broad daylight. I was inside the hotel for about 20 minutes."
Another Report: "We had the same happen to us a couple years ago,they took our radio antenna and a bag of about 50 shirts we had just got made with our team logo and stuff."
Another Report: "Had about 10 chase vehicles outside the gate (to be 'WATCHED" by the paid guard but apparently $aid big brother$ were $leeping on the job?"
This story is a post he stole off of Race Dezert without giving credit it to where it is from. This low life loves to take posts off of sites and give no credit to where he got it from. If any story seems to make someone look bad or seems to weird it mostly made up and should not be taken seriously. After the 500 I should have more stuff about him cause after races he post alot of stuff that is not true. So visit my site after the 500 for updates on all the false stories or for me telling you where he got his stories since he gives no credit to the right people or places!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Just updates on more threads about this fat ass mother fucker!!!

I like many others wonder what his deal is against people in the desert community. If anything he is hurting our sport than helping it by spreading his lies. The only people that actually believe him are uneducated high school drop outs who have no clue about this sport.
Mike you can spread your lies to the uneducated but all of us know exactly what you do to the hard working individuals who actually work for a honest days pay. I want you to know that someday, somebody will not take anymore of your shit and probably hurt you due to your lies. So be careful to whos foot you step on cause you might press someones wrong button!
Was just going thru more searches on the net about this tool who calls himself a desert enthusiast and came up with these threads for you all to enjoy!! (this has more Mike overcast links in the thread for you to enjoy)
Maybe a jackpot find ( he wrote a bio about his fucked up life using google blog which is what bajaracingnews uses!!!)
Now someone else made this but funny none the less!!!
once i find more i will post another update!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
The History of Mike Overcast for your reading enjoyment!

After doing a quick ( I mean really quick) google search I found a abundance of information about Mr. Overcast with links and the peoples stories about him to go with it!
I got this off
Mike Overcast has taken the prize as being the one person "most banned" from Baja and Off-road oriented websites worldwide.
His many aliases include "Gary Newsome", "Joe Martinez", "Cabo 500", "Speed Mex", "Janice Gilmore" (fitting), "Hollister", "andymeyer", "Garner racing", "aj racing", "Baja Brad" etc.
He is the sole operator of and
Overcast has a patent modus operandi of slamming anything and anyone that he cannot become or will not bow to his demands.
Under the pen name "Gary Newsome" on the Blog "Baja Racing News" he has attacked some of the most contributory and influential people in the Off-Road Motorsports to include:
Sal Fish
Bob Steinberger (Weatherman)
Cameron Steele
Klaus Rausch (RDC) well as many others, to include myself - in his laughable article all he could find fault with was my posting of passing times at Ojos Negros at the Baja 500, communications that Bob Steinberger acknowledged and recorded and a protocol that Bob and I discussed at contingency the day prior.
Overcast, his aliases and his Web Blog have a long history of plagiarism, unfounded personal attacks and most of all, threats of bogus and concocted legal action to any challenger. It is all one ball of putrid manure at the hands of a deranged, egotistical lunatic.
Anything and everything involved with Mr. Overcast and his pen names and aliases should be widely avoided at all costs.
another link from
Another RDC thread on Mike Overcast (aka Gary Newsome, aka
Gotta love for having all this information in one place.
A well done action by Overcast/Newsome was challenged to produce the winners of his spam-advertised, "Cabo 500 Giveaway". He refused and therefore broke the TOS for the website and forums. As a result, Overcast/Newsome was banned from that site.
It is clear that Overcast/Newsome's "Cabo 500 Giveaway" was completely fraudulent and of no surprise.
Here is some more background on this guy. About 7 or 8 years ago people started posting on the old amigo's de baja that they had sent money into bajasafari for a caravan. Overcast never showed up to lead the tour, and he never refunded anybody any money. Every few months people would come on the board and inquire if anybody ever hear of this guy or his company. It must of happened to 5 or 6 different groups of people, and those were just the ones that posted. The really weird thing is that every time it happened overcast would come on and claim the people were actually liars and he had done nothing wrong. It became obvious the guy was a thief, but he seemed to love the attention.
Then he started a bunch of crap on bajanomad, including sending letters supposidly written by his attorney. A search of the stated bar of California revealed that the guys whos name was on the letter was a disbarred attorney. People made it known that they knew the attorney was fake, but he kept on sending the letters. He was claiming that he was going to sue the owner for libel because of reporting the times people had been ripped off.
Another Pirate4x4 Thread for the Overcast/Newsome/Gilmore list.
Mr. Overcast on the county recorders books!!
Here's is list of businesses he has registered with the San Diego County recorder
Select Filing Number Business Name Owner Name Document Type Filing Date
1999-028112 BAJA SAFARI MEXICO CLUB OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 BAJA SERVICES OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 BAJAS BEST OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 SAFARI CAFE OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
2004-029686 BAJA SAFARI OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 9/1/2004
1999-028112 EFIRE OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 CABO CLUB OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 CAFE SAFARI OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 SAFARI BAJA OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 SAFARI MEXICO OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 BAJA SAFARI TOURS OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 BAJA SAFARI WEAR & GEAR OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 CABO SAFARI OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 SAFARI SAN DIEGO OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 SAN DIEGO SAFARI OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 BEST OF BAJA OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 MEX PROTECT OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1999-028112 SAFARI CABO OVERCAST MICHAEL Statement 10/6/1999
1997-031995 COCOA BEACH RESORT OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 12/15/1997
1996-017862 BAJA SAFARI OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 10/15/1996
2004-038070 PRIVATE SECURITY OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 11/16/2004
2005-036162 CABO 500 OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 10/26/2005
2003-005225 SAFARI CLUB OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 2/13/2003
1997-031995 PACIFIC SAFARI TOURS OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 12/15/1997
1996-015318 BAJA WEATHER SERVICE OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 9/16/1996
1997-031995 PACIFIC SAFARI OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 12/15/1997
1997-031995 PACIFIC SAFARI & FISHING OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 12/15/1997
1997-031995 MEXICO SAFARI OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 12/15/1997
2003-005225 SAFARI CLUB USA OVERCAST MICHAEL A Statement 2/13/2003
From Curtis Guise, Admin on
Mike Overcast & Baja Racing News - continued attacks against Curtis Guise
Mike Overcast & Baja Racing News - continued slander/libel attacks against Curtis Guise - the real story
Many of you have heard about Mike Overcast and the blog site Baja Racing News that he operates under the alias Gary Newsome. For those of you who haven't heard of him you might find this interesting. This is the short version.... And I am only referring to him as Mike Overcast because that is his real name.
Mike Overcast was a member of RDC under the username c a b o 5 0 0. He was later banned permanently for contacting our advertisers attempting to interfere with our business. Many people and RDC members have had issues with Mike and some of them talked about it on RDC. Mike asked for many things to be removed, some were and some were not. There was a post that Mike felt was a violent threat against him and it was later removed. (Although we did not see it as "life threatening" as he did). That was one of the reasons he called and emailed our advertisers, claiming they support violence by advertising with us. When anyone signs up on RDC you agree to many conditions and one of them is that the owners & operators of this site are not obligated to moderate this forum and we are not responsible for what is posted here. Maybe Mike didn't read that part?
Since being banned Mike Overcast (aka Gary Newsome) has expressed himself by continuing to write untrue stories about myself, Klaus and many people that we do business with. Not to mention many other good people in the sport. For the last 6 to 8 months his name and website were even filtered out on RDC. We felt that if no one was talking about him here and everything posted in the past was gone, then any reasonable person would not continue to attack us as he has. We were wrong!
Mike Overcasts latest claim against me is that I am responsible for a picture of himself that has homosexual references put on top of it, and that I created the Myspace, Twitter accounts among other web sites that are attacks against him. I have no involvement in any of those sites, accounts or pictures. Why would I waste my time on childish attacks against Mike? I don't have the time for it and never will. I wasn't even sure I should waste time writing this right now because there is content for RDC and DP that is suffering for the time I am wasting on Mike Overcast. Mike, not everyone stoops to your level. If you are such a great news reporter you should do a better job investigating to find out who is creating all of that content about yourself.
He also claims that I am not operating my business (Juice Designs) in Oceanside with a permit. And didn't pay the .50 cents for every $1000 made in tax. (it's .0005 not .50 BTW...) This is not true, I have had a business license with the City of Oceanside since I moved here. My latest payment that was mailed before the due date has been received by the city and will clear today or tomorrow. And Mike, don't bother claiming that your "story" made me run down to the city and get a business license. My payment for my existing license was mailed last month. Call again and do some of that great investigation work that you do. While you are at it, ask how long I have had the license. But they probably won't tell you anything unless you commit fraud and impersonate me. Basically Mike got lucky on the timing of his call, and with the long holiday weekend the City had not posted my check yet. Am I in trouble, am I breaking the law? No, the city confirmed they have my payment and everything is fine.
Mike Overcast also claimed that Klaus was operating RDC for years without a business license. This is also untrue. Klaus was simply past due on payment and paid the small late fee and the city said thank you. And within the last year a LLC was also created that RDC operates under.
Mike also claims that Klaus is operating RDC as a non-profit organization. When RDC was first created there was no money being made. At the time Klaus put something like non-profit site on RDC somewhere. He never officially filed with the state or government as a non-profit organization. If he did that, then yes he would have been breaking the law the day he started to make a profit. It's no secret that RDC has had advertisers for years now. It would not be possible to operate RDC without our advertisers and we appreciate their continued support. RDC is not a "non-profit" organization.
Mike Overcast also claims that myself and RDC are ruining CORR somehow. If CORR had a problem with us I'm sure we would be the first to hear about it, and it would be directly from CORR not Mike. I am also sure Scott Rehn would not be a member on RDC and posting regularly in our short course section if they had an issue with us. It's a shame that anyone can come across Mike's blog and read false information, especially people that don't know Klaus Rasch, Curtis Guise or Jim Holthus from TORR and they might actually believe those stories.
Mike Overcast also brings up the Metalica song we played with some of our footage showing at a couple of our DP6 premieres. Last I heard clubs can play whatever music they want. We are not selling DP6 with a Metalica song included and we never claimed to. We license the music we use in our DVDs that we sell.
Mike Overcast also says that our lawyer told him that I lied to him? Really, about what? How is that possible when Mike continues to ignore the cease & desist that was sent to him? The lawyer talked to him one time months ago, and Mike has ignored the issue ever since.
In a recent email to our advertisers Mike claims that we are influencing the marketing decisions of our advertisers by telling them not to advertise on his site. Again, I don't have the time to waste on childish games like this. Our advertisers were not happy to hear you suggest they can't make their own business decisions. If they or anyone want to spend their money with you that is up to them. I am not here telling anyone to not do business with, or not to read the blog called Baja Racing News. Within minutes of reading Mike Overcasts blog, I am sure people can decide for themselves if they believe what he is writing or think that it is quality content or not.
I have a couple of questions for Mike Overcast. Why do you continue to claim that you are not Gary Newsome (or the many other names you go by)? I know many people that have received phone calls from "Gary" and it was from Mike's home phone number.
Why have you been banned from just about every offroad forum on the web? (maybe all of them by now?)
Why do you continue to copy stories that people post on RDC and many other off-road sites and post them as Baja Racing News "exclusive" stories on your blog? Also taking peoples pictures and putting your logo on the top of them is copyright infringement the last time I checked... It's a good thing people can click on the "flag blog" button at the top of your blog to file a complaint to blogspot if that does happen. It is not "fair use" as I'm sure you claim.
You put up stories written by many people (modifying them to meet your own agenda) and we have been told by many of those people that they want nothing to do with you or your blog. Why do you continue to take what is not yours?
Like I said in the beginning this is the short version of what has been happening with Mike Overcast. Doing a google search brings up tons of information about him that I am not about to add to this thread. Unfortunately it is very hard to find anything positive about him. I would say he should quit while he can and try to salvage his reputation but it's probably long past that point.
It must feel bad to not be welcomed on the largest desert racing site on the web. Maybe that is Mike's motivation for the continued attacks? Who knows... I'm not even sure if Mike knows. I have never talked to him other than one quick introduction over a year ago. I have never said anything bad about him on RDC. If I wanted to talk bad about Mike Overcast RDC would be the place to do it. Not all these Myspace sites and pictures that he is saying I created.
Does Mike's continued attacks bother me. Sure it they do, but only until I realize that I am a better person by not doing the same to him. This is not meant as an attack towards Mike, I am just trying to lay out the facts.
I have sat back and watched Mike Overcast write BS about me for long enough. (I'm sure there are topics I missed) So this is my story. Believe me? That is up to you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is good quality content on the web. If you think Mike Overcast creates quality content that is your decision. Let's see what he writes about me next... I don't expect it to stop. Mike, go ahead and continue to make yourself look like a fool.
Curtis Guise
Curtis Guise
I will add more tomorrow just so you get a glimpse of who this Asshole really is. I will try to find the story to where he affiliated some professional drivers with being involved and covering up with Kreag Donahoe and his child Pornography case! Hope you enjoyed todays posting and return tomorrow for more of this little bitch life story on screwing people over!!!!
Mike Overcast has taken the prize as being the one person "most banned" from Baja and Off-road oriented websites worldwide.
His many aliases include "Gary Newsome", "Joe Martinez", "Cabo 500", "Speed Mex", "Janice Gilmore" (fitting), "Hollister", "andymeyer", "Garner racing", "aj racing", "Baja Brad" etc.
He is the sole operator of and
Overcast has a patent modus operandi of slamming anything and anyone that he cannot become or will not bow to his demands.
Under the pen name "Gary Newsome" on the Blog "Baja Racing News" he has attacked some of the most contributory and influential people in the Off-Road Motorsports to include:
Sal Fish
Bob Steinberger (Weatherman)
Cameron Steele
Klaus Rausch (RDC) well as many others, to include myself - in his laughable article all he could find fault with was my posting of passing times at Ojos Negros at the Baja 500, communications that Bob Steinberger acknowledged and recorded and a protocol that Bob and I discussed at contingency the day prior.
Overcast, his aliases and his Web Blog have a long history of plagiarism, unfounded personal attacks and most of all, threats of bogus and concocted legal action to any challenger. It is all one ball of putrid manure at the hands of a deranged, egotistical lunatic.
Anything and everything involved with Mr. Overcast and his pen names and aliases should be widely avoided at all costs.
More links found of Mr. Overcast found on
It looks like Overcast was trying to extract money from US racers by calling a race promoted by Baja Locals "The Baja Sur 500" his race of the name "Cabo 500". The Baja promoters are calling Overcast on his scam.
About Mike Overcast abit ( more info will show on this site)
I don't know what his deal is but there are people out there that put there heart, sweat and tears into this sport and for him to make them look bad is just not right. For instance Heidi Steele deserves the 2008 driver of the year award and for him to post some stupid ass stories and trying to make her look bad with photos that don't even look like her ( i mean he didn't even get the location right where the awards were at) is just plain bullshit.
Another thing Mr. Overcast does is use other peoples photos (even removes watermarks) to use as his own on his website. I have been a victim of his and many others who work hard go out to the races and stand out in the middle of the desert to get those shots and for him to claim them as his own is a low life!
Right now I am just starting this page and will add more as long as this dipshit keeps posting the untruth on his site, I will only post the truth about the stories he does. so email me your comments or stories of MO (no matter how untrue they are since he does it to others) and you will be anonymous so he will not trace anything back to you at . just no child molestation stories will be posted unless there is truth behind it! but raping men or getting blowjobs by trannies will be highly recommended (if you can send a picture that would be great too)! thanks for your time and enjoy my site!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Welcome To my website about hating Mike Overcast
So Mike this ones for you baby I hope you enjoy cause you have gotten away on your blog so now its our turn!!!