Saturday, June 6, 2009

Some news reported on baja racing news website!!

Currently on baja racing news site, he is posting a story about a robbery in Baja. here is what posted on his site.....

Robbery Reported

Mike Wilson from San Diego: "He made off with my stereo, 2 ipods and my iphone. Glad we came back to car when we did cause I had way more stuff he could have taken, he did not make it to my race radio yet, yeah! My dash if all jacked up and my passenger door where he broke in is all jacked. I could not close my door property and the passenger side door would not lock. Thank god my camera gear was at the hotel except for what was in my hand. So with the door all jacked I made the choice to go home, was not going to be in Baja till sunday with a car that does not lock. So I'm home in the states. Bought a new phone, back in biz. Taking truck into shop tomorrow, friday, to get it fixed."

Another Report: "I parked in front of that same hotel and had a spare c-6 transmission stole out of the pickup in broad daylight. I was inside the hotel for about 20 minutes."

Another Report: "We had the same happen to us a couple years ago,they took our radio antenna and a bag of about 50 shirts we had just got made with our team logo and stuff."

Another Report: "Had about 10 chase vehicles outside the gate (to be 'WATCHED" by the paid guard but apparently $aid big brother$ were $leeping on the job?"

This story is a post he stole off of Race Dezert without giving credit it to where it is from. This low life loves to take posts off of sites and give no credit to where he got it from. If any story seems to make someone look bad or seems to weird it mostly made up and should not be taken seriously. After the 500 I should have more stuff about him cause after races he post alot of stuff that is not true. So visit my site after the 500 for updates on all the false stories or for me telling you where he got his stories since he gives no credit to the right people or places!


Baja Racing News said...

Watch out and get ready - you might be also called out as "him" as it happend to me at the Race-Desert. No I have to go around and hace to announce everywhere I am not M.O.!! FRuck that almost hurt to be put in the same basket. I send you an PM at the forum yesterday. I got about 80 hater maisl what just proofs one thing: the Baja Offroad Sport hates that guy a lot and that alone is reason for me to continue to point out where he might steal. I can for sure proof he stole from me with stats, server logs and communcation with Google (and they have my name also). put who are them offroad sending that crap to me not even know that guy and just be a victim as many others.

Anonymous said...

I know the guy that runs this site and I can guarantee that he is not Mike Overcast. Alot of people know him and he is alot of help to the off road community. This site is actually one of the best out there that calls out all the dirty crap MO puts out and is a great source to find all the fucked up things MO has done!