Monday, March 30, 2009

About Mike Overcast abit ( more info will show on this site)

Mike Overcast and his website is the biggest piece of shit out there. Every story he post on his website is 100% bullshit with no truth behind it. He will take one piece of racing news and somehow in that little brain (probably his penis) finds ways to twist and turn the story to make it untrue and make a person look responsible for things they did not do.

I don't know what his deal is but there are people out there that put there heart, sweat and tears into this sport and for him to make them look bad is just not right. For instance Heidi Steele deserves the 2008 driver of the year award and for him to post some stupid ass stories and trying to make her look bad with photos that don't even look like her ( i mean he didn't even get the location right where the awards were at) is just plain bullshit.

Another thing Mr. Overcast does is use other peoples photos (even removes watermarks) to use as his own on his website. I have been a victim of his and many others who work hard go out to the races and stand out in the middle of the desert to get those shots and for him to claim them as his own is a low life!

Right now I am just starting this page and will add more as long as this dipshit keeps posting the untruth on his site, I will only post the truth about the stories he does. so email me your comments or stories of MO (no matter how untrue they are since he does it to others) and you will be anonymous so he will not trace anything back to you at . just no child molestation stories will be posted unless there is truth behind it! but raping men or getting blowjobs by trannies will be highly recommended (if you can send a picture that would be great too)! thanks for your time and enjoy my site!

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